Latin Name: Mentha
Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Main action: Choleretic, antispasmodic, anesthetic and antiseptic.
It is known to be soothing and therapeutic. Its use acts directly on our nervous system and helps with stress, strong emotions and anxiety. It helps with a number of problems related to the digestive tract. It relieves pain and discomfort in the presence of gas and helps reduce abdominal swelling. Effectively calms the processes in the stomach and intestines. It boosts metabolism and has a beneficial effect on weight loss. It reduces the effect of bad cholesterol and supports blood circulation.
Widespread: Widespread in Eastern Europe up to 1 000 meters above sea level and cultivated as an essential oil plant.
Content: Essential (peppermint) oil 0.4 – 0.6%, tannins and bitter substances.
Drug used: The leaves picked before and during flowering (Folia Menthae.